Cedar Park Elementary

Cedar Park

Expeditionary Learning

At Cedar Park, Expeditionary Learning is classroom/grade-level driven opportunities to…

Deepen the learning within a curricular unit of study

Example: students learn about environmental advocacy as it relates to the Duwamish people in connection with the Since Time Immemorial social studies curriculum.

Expand on the learning by focusing on topics outside the curriculum

Example: the class is doing a science unit on physics, and the teacher designs an expedition into astrophysics.

Hands-on Learning and Application with Field Work

By providing a minimum of 3 field work opportunities a year in each classroom to bring learning to life/make real-world connections while collaborating with our community to learn from diverse artists, authors and experts.

Example: students visit an animal sanctuary in Monroe for a day to see in-person the needs of the animals and what the facility needs to run safely and efficiently. They then virtually visit a Koala sanctuary in Australia to observe the needs of the animals and facility and compare and contrast them. Ultimately, they design their own animal sanctuary that will suit the needs of the specific animals they choose to populate it with.