Cedar Park Elementary

Cedar Park

ABCs of School

ABCs of School for Cedar Park Families


Attendance & Absences – Send your child to school every day unless they are ill. Call the office 206-252-4300 or email cedarpark.attendance@seattleschools.org


Backpack – Check and empty your child’s backpack every day.
Bell Times – 7:55 a.m. (school starts) 2:25 p.m. (school ends M-T-Th-F) and 1:10 p.m. (school ends early every Wednesday)


Communication – Tell the office & your child’s teacher any change of plans. Expect regular emails from the office, teacher & principal. It is always ok to set up time to meet with a teacher to discuss your student’s progress


Drop Off – If driving your child to school, head East on 135th to drop off zone in front of school. Please, no U-Turns – just proceed to 39th Ave. Don’t drive North on 39th Ave to drop off – this is unsafe for our Preschoolers, who enter at the school’s Southeast end


Expedition! – A chance for students to explore more deeply an area within their grade-level curriculum. Learning comes to life through field trips and hands-on collaboration with peers, community artists, authors and experts


Free/Reduced Price Lunch – means more than just meals. Income-eligible students can access free tutoring & summer activities, waived fees for college applications, etc. See if you might qualify, visit MySchoolApps. Pay for school meals visit MySchoolBucks.


Gather – Before school, gather on the playground basketball court. Please leave the track and staircase area clear. Gather to pick up students at dismissal in the school courtyard
Good Night’s Sleep – Students need restful sleep to fuel their learning.


Handbook – Find the answers to your questions in the online Family Handbook. Not sure who to contact? Wondering about a policy or procedure? Check the Cedar Park Family Handbook


Idea Time – Investigate, Design, Engage, and Ask why – these are the elements of “Project-based Learning”. Students submit topics they’re excited to learn about, and join small mixed age groups to focus on their topic 4 Wednesdays. This happens 4 times a year.


Jackets – as well as sweaters, hoodies, water bottles, and lunch boxes should be labeled with your student’s name. Check the Lost & Found in the Cafeteria for missing items.


Kids Co – is our school-based non-profit child care center for kids ages 5-12, open M-F until 6pm. Kids Co offers after-school enrichment, holiday, and summer camps. Call 206-696-6043 or visit Kids Company website to sign up.


Late Arrival Time – is 7:40 a.m. for breakfast and playground. Please plan to supervise your child until 7:40 a.m. if you arrive earlier.


Morning Arrival Time – is 7:40 a.m. for breakfast and playground. Please plan to supervise your child until 7:40 a.m. if you arrive earlier.


Newsletter – Expect to receive Principal Z’s weekly family e-newsletter, the Howl, sent each Friday to your email.


Opportunities – to help are plentiful. Ask your child’s teacher to find out when and how you can share a skill, chaperone a field trip, talk with students about your culture or job, serve as “room parent”, etc. You’ll be enriching our community of life-long learners.


PTA (Parent Teacher Association) – is a parent-led group that plans activities to support Cedar Park students and community. All are welcome. Learn more at info@cedarparkpta.org


Questions? – If you have ideas, concerns, or questions about anything, call 206-252-4300, come by the office any time, or email cedarpark@seattleschools.org


Recess – an important time for students to play, socialize and recharge. All students have 2 recesses every day, including 30 minutes before lunch.

Room Parents – help teachers communicate with families and are a link to the PTA. Tasks very but room parents often help plan and organize class events.


Snacks – Please send a snack with your student every day. We teach students not to share or touch others’ food. Please alert us about any food or other allergies so our nurse can work with you to create a health care plan.


Talking Points – a way to send or receive text message from Cedar Park and SPS. You were automatically signed up on the phone number(s) you gave SPS when you enrolled your student. Texts can be translated automatically on the app, which you can find at the Apple Store or Google Play.


US – let us all work together to make this school year a positive experience for all of our students.


Values – “P.A.W.S.” is an acronym for the values we ask all in our community to strive for: Practice Kindness | Act Safely| Work Together | Show Responsibility


Water Bottles – To help students drink plenty of water, pleas send them to school with a reusable water bottle, labeled with their name.


Experts – Ask your child what they know how to do, what they’re becoming experts on, and what they want to know more about.


You – You know your child better than anyone; let us know the best way to support your child’s healthy social and academic growth.


Zoo – Each school year, students will take field trips to the Zoo or other sites related to their Expedition projects. Trips are free to all students (thank you, PTA!)

Principal Z – Cedar Park Principal Andy Zillig is called “Principal Z” for short