Cedar Park Elementary

Cedar Park
Family Handbook


Students with Allergies


Families of students with health needs due to allergies should communicate with Nurse Amy as soon as possible. Nurse Amy will set up a care plan for your student and educate staff on the care plan and the student’s allergy needs.

Health Policies

  • There are several different food allergies in the Cedar Park community, including Peanuts, Tree Nuts, Rice, Sesame, Fish, Shellfish, Watermelon, Eggs, Dairy, Gluten, Fenugreek and Wheat.
  • The need or viability of specific allergen-free classrooms or lunch tables will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. 
  • Our nurse and our Culinary Services Manager coordinate and share information about students’ dietary restrictions & needs, but if your student has a food allergy or intolerance, and will sometimes purchase school lunch, please complete the Diet Prescription Form on the SPS Health Forms page.
  • Teachers teach their students not to share or touch other students’ food. They also monitor for allergens for class party treats and proximity for snack or lunch.
  • Epi-Pens and other medication will be stored in the Nurse’s office, along with care plan and instructions. Staff members are trained annually on the use of epi-pens and other medication.