Parking & Traffic Circulation
Parking and Traffic Circulation
- NEW: Be mindful of the two new stop signs on both the east and west directions of NE 135th Street next to the school.
- 37th Ave NE is a Safe & Healthy Street. While you may drive on it to park for drop-off or pick-up be extra cautious and mindful of walkers.
- Drive East on NE 135th Street and South on 39th Ave NE during drop-off time.
- Do not park and get out of your car in the Drop-Off/Bus Zone. A staff member will be on hand to open your car door for your student and help them out.
- If dropping off students in the Drop-Off Zone, wait in line with other cars until you have reached the zone before allowing your students out of the car.
- Do not let students out of your car on NE 135th Street west of the parking lot. Doing so creates a traffic bottleneck and unsafe situations for students.
- Students walk through the parking lot in the morning to access the playground and courtyard. Do not pull into the staff parking lot to drop your student off unless you are accessing the disabled parking spots.
- After dropping your student, continue around the bock. No U-Turns.
- Be a good neighbor when parking. Do not block driveways or mail-boxes, obey No Parking signs and do not park on our neighbors’ lawns.
- If you are arriving after 7:55 a.m., please drop your student at the front of the school so that they can check in at the office. Courtyard doors and gates are locked at 7:55 a.m..