Cedar Park Elementary

Cedar Park
Family Handbook

Student Dress Code

Seattle Public Schools Student Dress Code

SPS Student Dress Policy No. 3224

“The Seattle School Board adopted  Policy No. 3224 on July 10 creating a universal student dress policy for all students attending Seattle Public Schools. The policy is intended to provide a student dress policy that does not unfairly target female students for unnecessary violations and removes historical notions of what is “appropriate” to wear to school. The policy will focus school leader attention on our true responsibilities, which are to ensure that student attire, hairstyle, jewelry, and personal items do not interfere with the health or safety of any student, and do not contribute to a hostile or intimidating environment for any student. This student dress policy applies to all district students and may not be altered or replaced by an individual school.”

SPS School Leaders Communicator

Cedar Park Dress Code Suggestions

In addition to the updated SPS dress code, it is important to consider the following when sending your student to Cedar Park in the morning:

  • Our field can get very muddy in the fall and winter. All students K-5 would benefit by having a complete change of clothing in their locker. The office does have a few items of extra clothing for emergencies, but the sizes are primarily for our younger students.
  • Students will go outside for recess even in wet weather unless a safety issue exists, such as lightning or ice. Students should always have appropriate warm and waterproof clothing to enable them to enjoy their outdoor recess.
  • Check your student’s extra clothing occasionally to see if they are appropriate in terms of fit and seasonality.
  • Consider whether your student’s footwear is supportive enough for whatever activities they may be involved with on any particular day (PE, recess, Field Expeditions). Students are welcome to keep a change of footwear in their lockers as well in case of unexpected circumstances.
  • The Cedar Park Lost and Found fills up quickly as students remove outerwear during recess. Staff will gather clothing and put it in the lost and found if the owner is unknown. Writing your student’s name on labels will help our staff get your student’s belongings back to them.