Cedar Park Elementary

Cedar Park

Friday Howl!

March 7, 2025

Hello Timber Wolves!

We had another great week at Cedar Park with some connections to our larger community.  We had Nick with Adaptive Sports come in as a guest speaker in Kindergarten as they gear up for their gaming expedition.  Thistle Theater put on an impactful puppet performance about salmon in the Pacific Northwest for our 2nd – 4th grade students.  And Ms. Wendy, Ms. Lofgren, Ms. DelRosso, and Ms. Paul all went to the Seattle Children’s Theater yesterday for a play celebrating family and community ties.  Those are just the field experiences that occurred this week in and outside of our school.  We create these kinds of experience for all our students through the IDEA Time program.  Your support and donations to the PTA for IDEA Time makes this possible.  Thank you!

Next week is STEAM IDEA Time Night on Thursday, March 13th from 5:30-7pm.  Our event will be in an “Open House” style so you can come when you are able and see work from our STEAM IDEA Time classes.  There will info on the classes and activities you can participate in as well.

Arts and Culture IDEA Time kicks off in March for our 2nd-5th grade students.  The dates are March 19, March 26, April 2, 9, 23 and 30th.  Classes meet from 12-1p.  If you have a game, song, art, craft, drawing style, fashion trend, or sport you would like to share with our students to celebrate and share your culture and you are an approved volunteer, please contact Mrs. Kolias bkkolias@seattleschools.org

Can you believe it is already time to start planning for next year?  We have our budget allocations for next year.  The good news is that our staffing levels are staying the same for next year.  The bad news is that means we are not growing like we hoped to.  Please help us in our planning for next year by filling out this form to let us know of your intent to return to Cedar Park next school year: Returning to Cedar Park in the Fall of 2025.

Here is a bit of joy from this week: As I visited a preschool class this week, a student excitedly greeted me, “Hello, Principal Z.  Today we are playing with BOOGERS!”  They giggled as they poked their finger into a pile of thick, gelatinous finger paint.  The whole group of finger painters started giggling and begging me to come look at their paint too.  I don’t know what else to say about that, other than it made me giggle too.  I hope you find some joyful moments as you enjoy your weekend.  Remember that early Sunday morning we “spring forward” for Daylight Savings Time.  Set your clocks ahead one hour Saturday night before you go to bed.  Have a wonderful weekend!

Principal Z