Cedar Park Elementary

Cedar Park

Staff Directory

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Oshima, Yasuko

Preschool Hourly Tutor

Katherine Paul

Paul, Katherine

Instructional Specialist

Erica Wood

Wood, Erica

Teacher, 3rd Grade


Personal Message

I am excited to be a part of the vibrant Cedar Park Elementary team! After 10+ years of working with families and children in the non-profit setting, I earned my Masters in Teaching from the University of Washington with the goal of working in public education. I am passionate about literacy, equity in education, and being connected to the local community. In my classroom, I strive to create a positive learning community where all students know that they matter and belong, and where they are also challenged and inspired to do their best work. I love how science can spark students’ authentic curiosity, mathematics and engineering can help them solve problems, and literacy can open up new worlds and modes of expression.

I was born and raised in the Seattle area and am proud to call this beautiful city my home. I earned my BA from Seattle Pacific University, and though I have lived all my life in the Pacific Northwest, I have had many great opportunities to travel, learn, and work in places such as South Africa, Haiti, and Mexico. I love animals (especially cats and dogs), chai lattes, and all forms of dance (especially ballet). I look forward to exploring our world with the students of Cedar Park!

Shawn Severin

Severin, Shawn

Instructional Assistant, Preschool

Leigh Smith

Smith, Leigh

Teacher, Preschool

Sara Stewart

Stewart, Sara

Teacher, 1st Grade


Tsukada, Madison

Teacher, 3rd Grade

Andrew Zillig

Zillig, Andrew

Principal, Homeless Program/McKinney Vento Program Building contact


Personal Message