Cedar Park Elementary

Cedar Park

Campus Improvements

SPS Facilities Staff and Volunteers have been hard at work this summer making safety improvements and adding student interest details to our campus. Check it out:

Improved lighting on the ramp onto campus from 39th Ave NE makes winter-pick up and drop-off safer for everyone, but especially our KidsCo. families. The Courtyard is now officially designated a Walk Zone which will help cut down on the scraped knees and elbows that happen during transitions from recess and the portables when students are eager to get to their next learning space.

Our beautiful new Mindfulness Maze offers a spot for students to take a meditative movement break during the day. Our basketball court has been updated with a key on the north portion and two Four-Square courts on the south portion. Additionally, colorful lines and symbols have been added to help support our new morning line-up procedures. We look forward to seeing our student community interact with these fun additions.