Cedar Park Elementary

Cedar Park
Friday Howl!

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Cedar Park Friday Howl Archives

March 14, 2025

Hello Timber Wolves!

Thank you all who were able to come and join us for our STEAM IDEA Time Night.  It was so much fun to see the excitement and joy on our students faces as they showed off what they have worked on and learned about what their friends in other classes did.  I really enjoyed seeing the families engage with our STEAM displays and activities to understand what our students are doing.  Your volunteering and donations to PTA make our IDEA Time program possible.  We couldn’t do it without you!!

There a couple of important things to note that are happening soon.  The registration for the Seattle Preschool Program opens today.  If you, or someone you know, has a 3 or 4 year old looking to join preschool with us at Cedar Park, go the City of Seattle’s  SPP Website  to learn how to register. 

Our PTA is hosting a free Parent Education Night on Tuesday the 18th from 5:30-6:30p on the topic of the “Birds and the Bees.”  This is to help families in their approach to talking to their children about human biology.  This event is meant just for the grownups and a virtual option is available if you can’t make it in person to Cedar Park.  You can find out more on the PTA’s website at https://www.cedarparkpta.org/.

We want to wish the best of luck to our Cedar Park team heading to the Global Reading Challenge at the Seattle Public Library’s downtown branch next week!

Last week I shared that we received our budget allocations for next year.  It is wonderful that we are not seeing our enrollment shrink significantly and we want to keep it that way and do all we can to grow.  You can help us with that.  There are 2 very important events that impact how the district determines enrollment and allocations that are sometimes known as “head counts.”  That is exactly what they are.  In our first full week of school in September the district does a head count of every student in attendance in each school.  This same head count is done again for the state on October 1st.  Absent students, for any reason, can affect our enrollment projections and staffing allocations for the following year.  Please consider this when making your summer travel plans.  Families who choose to start the school year late because they want to extend a summer trip impact these head counts, not to mention missing quality instructional and community building time.  Please help Cedar Park thrive and grow and make plans to be start school on time in the fall.

Here is a bit of joy from our week: A group of Kindergartners were admiring the incredible student watercolor paintings for the endangered animals project display for STEAM Night.  I heard a few wonderings if it was 2nd graders who made the paintings.  I told them that those were all pointed by 5th graders and an explosive gasp of amazement came from them with one exclaiming, “They are SO talented!”  Right you are.  They are very talented.  Our students are talented, see themselves as talented, and see each other as talented.  Our caring, supportive community fosters talent development in all our students, and recognizing and acknowledging each other’s talents grows a caring, supportive community.  Thanks for keeping the cycle going.  Have a wonderful weekend!

Principal Z

March 7, 2025

Hello Timber Wolves!

We had another great week at Cedar Park with some connections to our larger community.  We had Nick with Adaptive Sports come in as a guest speaker in Kindergarten as they gear up for their gaming expedition.  Thistle Theater put on an impactful puppet performance about salmon in the Pacific Northwest for our 2nd – 4th grade students.  And Ms. Wendy, Ms. Lofgren, Ms. DelRosso, and Ms. Paul all went to the Seattle Children’s Theater yesterday for a play celebrating family and community ties.  Those are just the field experiences that occurred this week in and outside of our school.  We create these kinds of experience for all our students through the IDEA Time program.  Your support and donations to the PTA for IDEA Time makes this possible.  Thank you!

Next week is STEAM IDEA Time Night on Thursday, March 13th from 5:30-7pm.  Our event will be in an “Open House” style so you can come when you are able and see work from our STEAM IDEA Time classes.  There will info on the classes and activities you can participate in as well.

Arts and Culture IDEA Time kicks off in March for our 2nd-5th grade students.  The dates are March 19, March 26, April 2, 9, 23 and 30th.  Classes meet from 12-1p.  If you have a game, song, art, craft, drawing style, fashion trend, or sport you would like to share with our students to celebrate and share your culture and you are an approved volunteer, please contact Mrs. Kolias bkkolias@seattleschools.org

Can you believe it is already time to start planning for next year?  We have our budget allocations for next year.  The good news is that our staffing levels are staying the same for next year.  The bad news is that means we are not growing like we hoped to.  Please help us in our planning for next year by filling out this form to let us know of your intent to return to Cedar Park next school year: Returning to Cedar Park in the Fall of 2025.

Here is a bit of joy from this week: As I visited a preschool class this week, a student excitedly greeted me, “Hello, Principal Z.  Today we are playing with BOOGERS!”  They giggled as they poked their finger into a pile of thick, gelatinous finger paint.  The whole group of finger painters started giggling and begging me to come look at their paint too.  I don’t know what else to say about that, other than it made me giggle too.  I hope you find some joyful moments as you enjoy your weekend.  Remember that early Sunday morning we “spring forward” for Daylight Savings Time.  Set your clocks ahead one hour Saturday night before you go to bed.  Have a wonderful weekend!

Principal Z

February 28, 2025

Hello Timber Wolves!

Welcome back from what I hope was a fun and restful break.  Students were excited to get back to Cedar Park to see friends and into their IDEA Time classes this week, despite the cold, windy, and rainy start to our week.

Save the Date for our upcoming STEAM IDEA Time Night on Thursday, March 13th from 5:30-7pm.  Our event will be in an “Open House” style so you can come when you are able and see work from our STEAM IDEA Time classes.  There will info on the classes and activities you can participate in as well.

Arts and Culture IDEA Time kicks off in March for our 2nd-5th grade students.  The dates are March 19, March 26, April 2, 9, 23 and 30th.  Classes meet from 12-1p.  If you have a game, song, art, craft, drawing style, fashion trend, or sport you would like to share with our students to celebrate and share your culture and you are an approved volunteer, please contact Mrs. Kolias bkkolias@seattleschools.org

I want to remind everyone that Class Picture Day is coming up soon.  Class picture will take place on Thursday, March 6th.  Please refer to earlier communications, including the last Friday Howl, about ordering prints of class pictures.

Does your family observe Ramadan?  Please be sure to let us know so that we can support your student during the Ramadan.  Cedar Park can send home meals for students celebrating Ramadan to eat at the end of fasting each day.  If you want to find out more about how we can support you and learn about community supports during this time, please contact Ms. Kelley in the office at kshofmann@seattleschools.org or 206-252-4300.

There are free dance classes for kids ages 5-9 available with our community partner, Akin.  Check out this flyer for information and how to register.  All That Dance at Akin.pdf 

Another reminder about students not bringing slime to school.  Slime in class has gotten stuck in hair and clothes, cased issues with student devices, and created hurt feelings lately (to name just a few issues).  You can see more about this in the email I sent to families on Wednesday, February 26th

Here is a bit of joy from the week: I stopped by for to say hi to the families who came for our Spanish speaking coffee and conversation group on Tuesday.  I sat down and greeted everyone only to hear a loud “Hey!” from a sibling of a student still too young to join us in preschool.  Apparently, I stole his seat.  I apologized, in Spanish, and moved to another chair.  He happily sat next to his mom and started looking through a book.  All was forgiven because when I got up to leave later, we exchanged some fond farewells.  I am so grateful to the community of Cedar Park.  To see families come in to support one another, the PTAs support of our school and our families, and our students (or future students) engaged in our community is truly a treasure.  Thank you, as always, for all that you do to partner with us and make this community so great.  Have a wonderful weekend!

Principal Z

February 14, 2025

Hello Timber Wolves!

Thanks for braving the snowy conditions this morning to make it into school today.  We had a very cold week but at least we were all at school together.  We saw some great School Spirit this week with comfy cozy outfits, color explosions, school colors and spirit gear, some black, white, and grays yesterday, and I am looking forward to the fanciness our students will bring today.  Ask your student if they saw my tie today.

Please note that you will see your student bring home their SPS device today so that we can be prepared if the weather creates another Remote Learning day for us.  As always, be sure to have your student return to school with their device as it is an integral part of our learning days at Cedar Park.

Remember there will be no school the week of February 17th for Mid-Winter Break.  We will see you all back here on Monday the 24th.

When we return from break, we will have our schoolwide Friendship Celebration in classrooms on Friday, February 28th.  Teachers and room parents have been sending out information about what you can do to help with this celebration in your student’s classroom.

Save the date: Class picture day is on Thursday, March 6th.  If you ordered an individual portrait in the fall, you will automatically get a print of your class photo.  If you didn’t order anything before, information on ordering a print will come out after the pictures are taken and we will forward the ordering information as soon as we have it.

Here is some joy from the week:  Students practice skills using a few different online platforms that are designed to make practice fun and challenging.  In a 1st grade classroom when it was time for a group of students to log into SuccessMaker a student turned to their teacher and said in a somber tone, “I don’t like SuccessMaker…”  The teacher was just about to ask about their feelings to learn more when the student burst out with excitement and exuberance, “I LOVE IT!!”   It is always nice to see students excited about learning.  These online platforms to practice learning are not designed by us and we see that not every student is as excited about them as this student is.  We do know that at Cedar Park we excel at making learning student-centered, relevant, engaging, and fun.  Thank you for all your support.  Have a wonderful weekend.  I hope you enjoy a fun and restful break and we will see you all back at Cedar Park on Monday, February 24th.

Principal Z

February 7, 2025

Hello Timber Wolves,

What a week this was.  It was great to see the smiling and happy faces of students in our Remote Learning class links.  It isn’t as fun as being together at school but we made great use of our time and stayed connected.  We are delighted to be back at school today and I am looking forward to seeing everyone back.  Maybe we will see you at our assembly this morning honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and our work during the Black Lives Matter Week of Action at School.  Students will be signing in our cafeteria at 10a.  I hope you can join us.

Don’t forget about tonight’s Mid-Winter Festival hosted by our PTA from 5:30p-8p.  Find out more about the festivities planned for this event at cedarparkpta.org

It is time to show some school spirit, so we are having a Cedar Park Spirit Week

Monday: Mondays are hard—so let’s get cozy (comfy, cozy outfits)

Tuesday: Color Explosion Day (wear your favorite colors—or ALL the colors)

Wednesday: School colors and Spirit Gear (and any Timber Wolf themed clothes)

Thursday: Black, White, and Gray Day (think the opposite of Color Explosion)

Friday: Fancy Friday (come dressed in the fanciest way you know how)

Remember there will be no school the week of February 17th for Mid-Winter Break. We will see you all back here on Monday the 24th.

After our break, we will have our school-wide celebration of friendship on Friday the 28th.  Your student’s classroom teacher or room parent will have the details of how they are planning to celebrate in their room.  This will be a fun way to celebrate our friendships at Cedar Park and focus on the importance friendship and community have on our lives.

Here is a bit of joy from our week: I popped into a few class links during our remote learning and yesterday Ms. Davis had her class greet me.  I was met with warm smiles and waving hands, “Hi, Principal Z!”  Of course, I turned my camera, waved back and replied, “Hi, Principal Z—I mean, Kindergartners!”  Oh well, it has been a discombobulating couple of days.  I’ve always believed it is good to model mistakes so I can model grace and acceptance of mistakes.  Have a wonderful weekend!

Principal Z

January 31, 2025

Hello Timber Wolves,

It has been another great week at Cedar Park filled with fun and learning.  We launched our STEAM IDEA Time session with some new and exciting classes like, Arts and Science Lab, Amazing Amphibians, Poison, and How Does This Work.  Remember, approved volunteers can sign up to help with IDEA Time.  Contact our office about how to get approved as a volunteer.  Thank you to all the family volunteers who come and help us make this program so meaningful.  Thank you to all our volunteers, our PTA, and community partners who support this program and our school in so many meaningful ways. 

Don’t forget that we will be at the SPS Enrollment Fair at the Johan Stanford Center from 10a-2p tomorrow.  Help spread the word about what a great place Cedar Park is to learn and grow together.  The School Choice enrollment process opens tomorrow.  You can use the attached flyer to share with friends and neighbors about how to enroll students at Cedar Park.

I know many families have questions and anxiety about the new federal guidelines regarding immigration enforcement.  SPS has been working closely with OSPI and our state’s Attorney General’s office since the Executive Order was signed last week to ensure the safety of our students and community.  Cedar Park is committed to keeping a warm, welcoming, and safe community for all.  We will follow the procedures the district has created to do just that.  You can learn more about this by reading Superintendent Procedure 4310SP.B

Here is a bit of joy from our week: I was excited to see every IDEA Time class on our launch on Wednesday (and I did), but I was really drawn into How Does This Work.  Students were dismantling commuter mice and discovering all the components inside.  As I pointed out what some of parts were and what they do, I soon had more and more students asking me to help them get their mouse apart and what each thing inside was.  There was lots of amazement and more questions as they explored and learned about microswitches, the processor, resistors, capacitors, wiring, and circuitry.  I made a promise to be in that class again next week.  The curiosity in that space felt electric (sorry, couldn’t resist a good dad pun—also, resist!) and contagious as students wanted to learn more about what they were seeing.  The chance to learn more about their everyday world brings relevancy and agency to student learning, which we know brings more meaningful and lasting learning.  I am looking forward to next Wednesday.  Have a wonderful weekend!

Principal Z

Enrollment Flyer for 25-26 

January 24, 2025

Hello Timber Wolves,

It has been a short week filled with colder weather than we are accustomed to.  I hope you stayed warm this week.  We kept warm with engaging and fun learning.  We wrapped up our Literacy IDEA Time session this week and everyone is looking forward to our STEAM IDEA Time where we have classes connected to Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics.  We have some new classes coming out for this session and we can’t wait to see what our students get out of them.  Sign up to volunteer in our STEAM IDEA Time sessions.

Thank you all who came to the PTA General Assembly meeting last night.  It is always good to see so many of our families getting involved at Cedar Park and connecting.  I always appreciate your questions and feedback.  You help make this school the great place that it is.

Don’t forget about our upcoming tours.  We are hosting New Family Tours on Tuesday, January 28th at 9:30am and again at 6pm.  These will be in-person tours so please let your friends and neighbors know why Cedar Park is a great option.  If the 28th won’t work for them, please invite them to come down to the John Stanford Center on Saturday, February 1st from 10am-2pm to visit our booth at the SPS Enrollment Fair.  Use the attached flyer to share (printed, electronically sent, or posted on your social media) info about our school and how to register.  Help us recruit more great families to our incredible school community.

Don’t forget about upcoming PTA events.  The PTA is sponsoring a Dine Out fundraising event with the Aurora Ave. Burgermaster on the 28th from 4-9p.  Also, the PTA’s Mid-Winter Festival will be on February 7th from 5:30-8p as a fun night of activities, food trucks, and fundraising.

Here is a bit of joy from our week: We all understand how important our IDEA Time program is in providing enrichment opportunities centered on student ideas that allow student to grow and learn together in a single classroom filled with friends of all ages.  What you may not know is how we are providing leadership opportunities for 5th graders who take on Teaching Assistant roles in IDEA classes.  We invite these 5th graders to not only assist in teaching but to develop a lesson of their own they present to their peers.  On our final Literacy IDEA class this week I talked to one of our 5th grade TAs who beamed with pride as we talked about the lesson he presented and seeing how the other kids in class learned from him.  I love what IDEA Time does for our students and our community.  I see lasting meaningful impact all the time.  On Wednesday I saw a spark in a 5th grader that I am certain will burn brightly for a long time.  Amazing.  Learn more about IDEA Time as our Expeditionary Learning program..  Have a wonderful weekend.

Principal Z

Enrollment Flyer for 25-26

January 17, 2025

Hello Timber Wolves,

It is cold and wet out there, friends.  Please help your students dress appropriately for the weather and consider sending extra clothes and shoes with them to school if you haven’t already.  If you have sent extra clothes and shoes to school, now is a good time to check in to see how those items are fitting.  Many students have had a growth spurt since the start of school so those extra items may not fit. 

Remember, there is No School on Monday, the 20th, in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Remember to help us spread the word about Cedar Park!  We are hosting New Family Tours on Tuesday, January 28th at 9:30am and again at 6pm.  These will be in-person tours so please let your friends and neighbors know why Cedar Park is a great option.  If the 28th won’t work for them, please invite them to come down to the John Stanford Center on Saturday, February 1st from 10am-2pm to visit our booth at the SPS Enrollment Fair.  Use the attached flyer to share (printed, electronically sent, or posted on your social media) info about our school and how to register.  Help us recruit more great families to our incredible school community.

The PTA has a few events coming soon.  The PTA General Assembly meeting will be at Cedar Park on Thursday the 23rd at 6p.  Come and learn about what the PTA is working on and ways you can get involved.  Flyers went home with your student this week about PTA’s Dine Out fundraising event with Burgermeister on the 28th from 4-9p.  Also look for the flyer about the PTA’s upcoming Mid-Winter Festival on February 7th from 5:30-8p as a fun night of activities, food trucks, and fundraising.  PTA will also be donating any items left in our Lost & Found after today.  Please come by the cafeteria to make sure you claim any lost items by the end of today.

A reminder about Cedar Park’s inclusive approach to celebrating holidays and traditions and our efforts not to emphasize the importance of one holiday or tradition over any other.  A few families have asked staff about what they can do to help students celebrate Valentines Day.  Cedar Park classes will not host any Valentine’s Day parties or activities.  Instead, we will celebrate the idea of Friendship at the end of next month, Friday, February 28th.  Friendship has great connections to the work we are doing celebrating Black leaders, innovators, and artists during Black History Month and the connections and friendships between important leaders of color.

Here is a bit of joy from the week: During a visit to one of the PreK classes a student asked me if I would read them a story.  Of course, I said yes and within a few seconds I had 2 more friends join (one of them asking if I’d play magna-tiles with them when I was done).  By the end of the book I had 8 or 9 friends around me asking me to read another story.  I find it rejuvenating to be in classrooms with students.  Their joy, smiles, curiosity, and genuine interest in connecting with me and sharing their interests is something I always cherish.  The fabled “Fountain of Youth” is our children.  They keep me inspired, centered, and youthful.  I finished the second book and then went over to the rug to play magna-tiles for a while.  Have a wonderful weekend and we will see you all back here on Tuesday, January 21st.

Principal Z

Enrollment Flyer for 25-26 

January 10, 2025

Hello Timber Wolves!

Welcome back!  It has been a great first week back from winter break.  Students have been excited and happy to rejoin friends, see their teachers, and engage in learning as students slipped right back into routines.  It has been a joy to see all those smiling faces return!  Everybody is excited to be back at Cedar Park. 

Thank you to all who donated to our Giving Tree program this year.  Your donations helped add joy to holiday celebrations in our community.  Also note that we will accept gift cards to grocery stores all year round as there is always a need for this support.  You can drop them off in our office anytime.

Many students have talked excitedly about the gifts they received over the break.  Please remember that these new, special items should remain at home and not come to school.  Too often special and precious items that students bring to school get broken or lost.  Please help us prevent tears and hurt feelings by keeping personal items at home unless it is a specific part of a classroom sharing experience. 

I want to remind families that we do not share food at Cedar Park.  This policy helps us prevent medical issues caused by food allergies and keeps students on track with all family dietary restrictions or needs.  We have seen students sharing food at lunch this week and some even bringing food that they specifically wanted to share with a friend.  This is not allowed at Cedar Park.  Please remind your student not to share food at snack or lunch and help us keep everyone at Cedar Park healthy and safe.

Help us spread the word about Cedar Park!  We all know what an amazing place our school is and we want to keep growing.  Cedar Park will be hosting New Family Tours on Tuesday, January 28th at 9:30am and again at 6pm.  These will be in-person tours so please let your friends and neighbors know why Cedar Park is a great option.  If the 28th won’t work for them, please invite them to come down to the John Stanford Center on Saturday, February 1st from 10am-2pm to visit our booth at the SPS Enrollment Fair.  Use the attached flyer below to share (printed, electronically sent, or posted on your social media) info about our school and how to register.  Help us recruit more great families to a our incredible school community.

Here is a bit of joy from this first week back: I heard a group of 4th graders as they walked into school in the morning talking excitedly about seeing each other again.  One then exclaimed, “I have never been so excited to come back to school!”  Agreed!  It is exciting to be back.  That excitement and joy is present everywhere.  I hope you had a fun, restful, and rejuvenating break.  Have a wonderful weekend!

Principal Z

Cedar Park Enrollment Flyer 

December 20, 2024

Hello Timber Wolves!

Just one last reminder that today we have a 1-hour early dismissal today.  School dismisses at 1:25pm.

There has been a lot of excitement this week about the upcoming break.  Remember that student devices will be sent home today.  This is just in case inclement weather causes a delay for our return from the break on Monday, January 6th.  There are no expectations to use the device.  Also remember that you will need to send your student back to school with their device and charger as soon as we return to school, as it is a part of our regular learning day at Cedar Park.

Student progress Reports (EPRs) should be available on The SOURCE today.  You can go to access your child’s EPR here: The SOURCE.  You can contact the office if you have questions.  Please note that the school office will also be closed during winter break.  We will be happy to assist and support you when we return on January 6th.

Do you know how the Free & Reduced Lunch (FRL) Program can help both you and our school?  This program provides free breakfast and lunch at school to families who qualify.  You can learn more about the FRL program and fill out the form online here: Free Student Meals at SPS.  Even if you don’t think you will qualify or never plan to use the school food program, you should apply.  All qualifying families also create additional funding for our school.  Plus, T-Mobile offers free internet to qualifying families.  Check out the program here: T-Mobile Project 10 Million.  If you filled out this form before and didn’t qualify but feel that you should have or would now, please fill it out again.  Mistakes and errors on the form can disqualify families from the program.  If you have questions, please contact the office.  We are planning to hold a support session for families to help fill out this important form and others soon.  Watch for more info about this in the new year.

Did you hear that we have an All-Star at our school?  It’s true!  Our amazing Custodial Engineer, Ms. Stacey was honored by Seattle Public Schools as one of our district’s All-Stars.  She was nominated by members from our community who spoke of her unending support of students, staff, and our whole community.  Congrats, Ms. Stacey!  You deserve it.  You can see Ms. Stacey as an All-Star on our district website.

A bittersweet note to say thank you (but not goodbye) to our friend, Ms. Miranda.  Ms. Miranda has filled in while Ms. Lofgren was on leave, and she has done an outstanding job.  Thank you, Ms. Miranda, for being such a positive and joyful part of our year.  We are excited to see Ms. Lofgren return to Cedar Park when we return from break, and we hope to see Ms. Miranda comes back again and again as a guest teacher at Cedar Park to continue to spread her joy, creativity, care, expertise to our community.

 Here is a bit of joy to kick off the start of Winter Break: I am in the cafeteria each morning supporting students having breakfast.  I always enjoy talking to our Timber Wolf friends and getting to know them.  The other morning Ms. Stacey (resident All-Star) asked me a question about a classroom.  I replied, “Oh, that is in Terry’s room.  Room 116.”  Suddenly I hear a loud whisper behind me, “Did you hear that?  Mr. Terry’s nickname must be Terry.”  Followed by a few “Ohh” and “Ahh” and more whispers I couldn’t make out.  Sorry Mr. Terry, the secret is out.  I hope your break is filled with joy as you relax and connect with friends and family.  Enjoy this time and we can’t wait to see everyone again on Monday, January 6th, 2025!

Principal Z

December 13th, 2024

Hello Timber Wolves!

We’ve had another fun and joyful week.  Students are excited about their IDEA Time classes (and about the upcoming break).  I want to remind you we have a 1-hour early dismissal next Friday.  School dismisses at 1:25pm on Friday, December 20th.

Please come and take a look at our Lost and Found in the cafeteria.  We are seeing a lot of warm looking coats and hats starting to accumulate that may be needed in this winter season.

Registration is now open for KidsCo Winter Break childcare.  Kelley sent out information about this yesterday.  You can also check out the KidsCo website.

To prepare for the possibility of inclement weather, the district is sending student devices home over the break.  If weather conditions close our school, you will receive instructions about remote instruction.  This will help reduce the number of school days that would have to be made up at the end of the school year.  Let’s all hope for a fun and restful break and a return to school on time.

Next week our monthly safety drill will be a Lockdown Drill.  This drill can create anxiety in students.  Please help your student by letting them know we will be conducting a Lockdown Drill the morning of Tuesday the 17th.  This is only a drill.  We are only practicing how to be safe and there is no danger.  Staff will be supporting students in understanding this drill, what we need to do to ensure the safety of everyone, and offering any comforts or supports needed for students.  We appreciate your partnership and know your support in our efforts is key to the success of our students.

We have had a few families who needed to plan for some extra absences to accommodate for a family trip.  Any planned absences must be communicated to the office.  We appreciate you letting your teachers know but too often that message doesn’t make it to the office and you will get emails, texts, and phone calls as we inquire why your child is not at school.  If you have an upcoming planned absence, please use this Cedar Park Planned Absence Form to alert the office.  This will help avoid any misunderstandings of why your child is not at school.  Please continue to notify the office of any late arrivals, absences due to illness, or doctor appointments by emailing cedarpark.attendance@seattleschools.org.  Thank you.

We had a few families ask about our school policy around lice.  See information about lice on our website.

Here is a bit of joy from our week: After school this week the salmon tank was brought out and set up in preparation for that program to start soon.  The next morning students passed by the set up with wide eyes, dropped jaws, and exclamations of “Yes!”  Even the kindergartners, who have no experience with this program at all, were all abuzz about having fish at school, sharing what they know about fish with each other, and saying things like, “I can’t wait!”  Thank you to Ms. Lofgren (she will be back with us after winter break) for coming in and getting this program ready for us.  Even though this is a program that is specifically for a 4th grade curriculum, it brings so much joy and wonder to the whole school.  Just wait to see how students react when we actually get our salmon in there!  Have a wonderful weekend!

Principal Z

December 6, 2024

Hello Timber Wolves,

Welcome back from our short break.  I hope you were able to rest and connect with family and friends.  It is hard to believe that we are heading into our Winter Break in just 2 more weeks.  We are not going to let that slow down the learning and fun that we have at Cedar Park.  We kicked off our Literacy themed IDEA Time session this week.  Students are diving into the lore magical and mythical creatures, creating podcasts, newspapers, and comic books, and exploring the rich literature in books from our Global Reading Challenge. 

IDEA Time is central pillar of our school and only made possible through the generous support of the PTA.  Thank you to all who generously donated to the PTA Annual Enrichment Campaign.  The PTA has reached 50% of their $32,000 goal.  It is never too late to make a contribution to the PTA.  Donate to PTA Annual Enrichment Campaign, and help support the amazing work PTA does for our community.

Spirit Week is next week.  Have some funa nd show some school spirit with these thems:

  • Monday: Cedar Park Spirit – come dressed in school colors, in our Cedar Park logo spirit gear, or in timber wolf themes.
  • Tuesday: Hats and Headgear – fun and favorite hats, headbands, helmets… what will you wear?
  • Wednesday: Wintery Wednesday – come with some of your favorite layers of clothes, winter themed wear, or wintery colors like icy blues and whites.
  • Thursday: Dress like a Cedar Park Staff Member – time to do your best imitation of a someone at Cedar Park.  Will you have a hocky jersey like Mr. Hoppins?  A bucket hat like Ms. Wendy?  A cat sweater like Ms. Catherine?  Or a really cool, super stylish, not-at-all nerdy button up shirt like Principal Z?
  • Friday: Comfy Cozy Day – come wearing your most comfortable clothes, which could be pajamas, sweatpants, fluffy, snuggly sweaters… You decide!

We have had a few families who needed to plan for some extra absences to accommodate for a family trip.  Any planned absences must be communicated to the office.  We appreciate you letting your teachers know but too often that message doesn’t make it to the office and you will get emails, texts, and phone calls as we inquire why your child is not at school.  If you have an upcoming planned absence, please use this Cedar Park Planned Absence Form to alert the office.  This will help avoid any misunderstandings of why your child is not at school.  Please continue to notify the office of any late arrivals, absences due to illness, or doctor apptointments by emailing cedarpark.attendance@seattleschools.org.  Thank you.

Here is a bit of joy from the week: A student came to school excited to share a precious treasure from home with their friends and classmates.  They came right up to me to show it off, filled with glee.  I talked excitedly about how cool it was and gave the obvious advice of “Don’t lose it.”  They turned to me with surprise saying, “Hey, that is exactly what my mom said!”  Of course it is!  Our families are smart.  We all know how easily a child’s heart can be broken when a beloved item from home gets lost or broken.  Please help us all avoid tears and hurt feelings by keeping personal items at home unless it is part of a special sharing time in class or for a project.  Thankfully the item in this story made it back home, safe and sound.  Have a wonderful weekend!

Principal Z

November 22

Hello Timber Wolves,

Well, this was a weird week.  Power outages in our neighborhood caused issues with transportation, our communication systems at school, and our heating necessitated our closure on Wednesday.  Apologies again for my contradictory messages Wednesday morning.  We will have to make up this missed day.  More information will be sent out as soon as the district has those details are worked out.

The good news is that we rescheduled our planned PAWS Assembly on Wednesday to take place this morning to honor the hard work of the students who put that assembly together.

Remember, there is no school next week so that we can hold Conferences with you.  You can contact your classroom teachers if you have not yet signed up for a conference or to confirm the day and time of your conference.

Literacy IDEA Time begins in December!  Volunteers are always welcome and always appreciated.  No experience is necessary.  Volunteers assist students with projects and help the teacher clean up at the end of class.  If you volunteer you will not necessarily be placed in an IDEA Time class with your child.  Classes are multi-grade and taught by many Cedar Park Staff and Teachers.  Volunteers are placed where needed each week. IDEA Time Volunteer sign up

Here is a bright spot from the week: I noticed a kindergartner pulling at their coat by the lockers as they got ready for recess.  As I approached, I saw that they had shut the locker on the bottom corner of their coat and couldn’t pull it out our get the locker door back open.  I helped them open it and they were freed.  They turned to me, smiled, and said, “Thank you.”  As they did, they reached up and closed their locker door right back on the same bottom corner of their coat, once again trapping themselves in the exact same way.  Too funny.  Too cute.  Of course I helped them out again.  I hope you have a wonderful weekend.  I may see you next week as you go to Conferences.  Enjoy the break from school with family and friends.  We will see everyone back at Cedar Park again on Monday, December 2nd.

Principal Z

November 15, 2024

Hello Timber Wolves!

It has been a short, wet, and fun week for us at Cedar Park.  We wrapped up our first IDEA Time session and are excited to start the next session in December.  Next week we celebrate with a student-led assembly from our 4th & 5th grade SEL Assembly Team IDEA class students!  We will send out a sign up link to volunteer for our next IDEA Time session soon.

Remember, conferences are scheduled for Monday and Tuesday, November 25th and 26th.  Everyone should have received a link to sign up for a conference time.  If you have not, please reach out to your child’s classroom teacher.  There is no school for students during the week of November 25th.

This is the time of year when many family traditions center around a winter holiday that includes gift giving.  We also know that gift giving can be financially difficult for some of our families.  This is why every year Cedar Park hosts a Giving Tree program to help familiesFind out more about our Giving Tree ProgramAll requests are due by November 20th so that we can ensure we distribute contributions before we go to Winter Break.

Some bittersweet news for us.  Our friend, Mr. Jose, who has been working as one of our IAs for our Multilingual Learners will be stepping away from his long-term substitute rore here at Cedar Park.  We still may see him come and sub for us occasionally but he won’t be a regular part of our weeks at Cedar Park anymore.  We thank Mr. Jose for being part of Cedar Park and hope to see him again soon.

Here is a bit of joy from our week: I received a lovely invitation from the Karaoke Club IDEA Time class to join in and sing with them on their final day.  This class was all about growth mindset, being in a safe and supportive place so you feel safe to take the stage, and lots of positive reinforcement for taking that risk and trying your best.  I sang “Everything is Awesome” from the LEGO Movie with another student and I sounded terrible.  My singing partner helped carry me through to the end of the song and the entire class made me feel great for being there and participating with them.  I love what our IDEA Time classes do for our students and our community.  We are so lucky to have each other here at Cedar Park.  Have a wonderful weekend!

Principal Z

November 8, 2024

Hello Timber Wolves,

Another fun filled week of learning and growing at Cedar Park.  The popular biking unit wrapped up this week.  It has been incredible to see students enjoying bike riding not only in this unit but by seeing so many riding bikes to school.  It has been extra gratifying to see students who learned to ride a bike because of this unit.  Today students are celebrating Fall Family Traditions in their classes and tonight the PTA is hosting a Movie Night at Cedar Park starting at 6pm.

Remember, there is No School on Monday, November 11th in observance of Veteran’s Day.

Picture Re-take Day is Tuesday, November 12th.  This is for anyone who was absent on the previous Picture Day or for families who want to have the picture re-taken and re-ordered.

Remember, conferences are scheduled to take place on Monday and Tuesday, November 25th and 26th.  Everyone should have received a link to sign up for a conference time.  If you have not, please reach out to your child’s classroom teacher.

This is the time of year when many family traditions center around a winter holiday that includes gift giving.  We also know that gift giving can be financially difficult for some of our families.  This is why every year Cedar Park hosts a Giving Tree program to help families.  Find out more about our program and sign up to support a family.  All requests to support a family are due by November 20th so that we can ensure we distribute your contributions before we go to Winter Break.  Thank you for supporting our community.

Here is a bit of joy from our week: A student came into the office to let me know about something that happened in their classroom and it became immediately clear that they left their class without their teacher knowing.  I walked them back to class emphasizing the importance of how they should never leave their class without talking to their teacher first.  The student stopped and with a look of confusion asked, “But aren’t you their supervisor?!”  I hope that bit of joy kicks off a lot of joy for your 3-day weekend.  Enjoy this extra time with friends and family.  We will see you all again on Tuesday the 12th.

Principal Z

November 1, 2024

Hello Timber Wolves!

We did it!  We made it to November.  So many fun and exciting things are on the horizon.

We only have 2 more IDEA Time classes for this first session followed an all-school assembly just before Conference week led by students from one of those IDEA Time classes.  Soon all students will be asked to pick  their preferences for our next IDEA Time session that launches on December 4th.

Thank you to the staff on the PBIS Team and an extra thanks to Ms. Mary and Mr. Jose for hosting coffee and conversation for our Spanish speaking families.  Are you a Spanish speaking family?  We are now hosting this gathering for Spanish speaking families every Tuesday at 8am.  If you missed our last one, please come to the library on Tuesday.  I will reach out to our Spanish speaking families soon with additional resources and to get feedback soon.  We appreciate your partnership and hope that we can grow this into supports for more of our families.

We have our Fall Family Traditions Class Celebrations on Friday, November 8th.  This will be a time to have students talk about and share some of their fall family traditions.  Contact your classroom teacher if you have not heard from them about your class celebration.

This weekend is the end of Daylight Savings time.  Remember to set you clock back one hour before you go to bed Saturday night.

There is NO SCHOOL on Monday, November 11th in observance of Veteran’s Day.

Picture Re-take Day is Tuesday, November 12th.  This is for anyone who was absent on the previous Picture Day or for families who want to have the picture re-taken and re-ordered.

Remember, conferences are scheduled to take place on Monday and Tuesday, November 25th and 26th.  Your student’s teacher has started to send out sign up links.  Everyone should receive a link to sign up for a conference time sometime next week.

Here is a bit of joy from our week: A student walked into the office with a handful of plastic dice saying, “I found these in the boys’ bathroom.”  Mrs. Kolias said thanks and held out her cupped hands saying she would take them.  As the student dumps them into her hands he adds, “They’re wet.”  Ms. Kolias gives the subtlest of pauses and says, “…Thanks.”  Ms. Kelley is just shaking her head back and forth and I am stifling a laugh as Mrs. Kolias heads straight to the sink to wash up.  Let’s just not think about how they got wet.  I hope you have a wonderful weekend and enjoy that extra hour of sleep as we “fall back” and set our clocks back one hour tomorrow night.  I don’t know about you, but I feel like we all deserve it!!

Principal Z

October 25, 2028

Hello Timber Wolves

Another great week at Cedar Park!  The Bike unit in PE has seemed to spark a higher interest in biking to school.  Our bike racks in the courtyard have never been so full!  Biking is a fun and healthy way to start your day.  Please remember that when you arrive at Cedar Park, we ask that you get off and walk your bike through our campus to the bike racks.  We had another near miss today as a student rode their bike around the corner of the portables and almost crashed into a classroom line on their way up.

It is the time of year for cold, flu, and COVID season.  Order free COVID test kits.

If your student is going to be absent or late to school, please email cedarpark.attendance@seattleschools.org.  It is a great idea to cc your classroom teacher too but when the email only goes to the teacher it creates work for our office that involves interrupting the classroom learning day to verify attendance and/or generates a call home about your missing student.  Thank you.

We are now halfway through our first IDEA Time session.  Students will be asked to provide feedback about this session and the classes and experiences they would like to see in our program.  We use this information to build new classes and adjust favorite past classes to align with student interests.  Info will come out soon about signing up for a class in our next IDEA Time session.

Are you a Spanish speaking family?  We are hosting a gathering for our Spanish speaking families on Tuesday, October 29th at 8am.  We will have an interpreter there to help provide more information about our school and how we can support you.  Also, you can enjoy a cup of coffee while you make connections with other Spanish speaking families at Cedar Park.  I hope to see you there.

Another reminder to the many families who will be celebrating Halloween next week, we ask that you do not send students to school in costumes on October 31st.  We will hold our Fall Family Traditions Class Celebrations on Friday, November 8th.  This will be a time to have students talk about and share some of their fall family traditions, which may very well include religious or secular holidays but could also include trips to see relatives or less festive celebrations like the start of cooking soups and chili or getting out that bin of sweaters to wear in the cooler weather.  Watch for more information to come from your classroom teachers.

Last week I let you know of our conference schedule next month.  There is no school for students the week of November 25th.  However, during the week of conferences KidsCo is running all-day childcare.  Registration opens on Monday.  Learn more about Kids Company.

Here is a bit of joy from the week: I walk through classrooms to see students engaged in learning and ask them about what they are working on.  After several minutes in a class working on games to build math fact fluency, I headed out the door to visit another class when I heard an excited voice call out behind me, “Principal Z!  Come here, come here.”  The students showed me the game they were playing on their iPad, how it’s played, how they used math to make all their moves, how many points and rewards they were earning in the game, and then asked me if I understood the game.  I explained everything back to them that they taught me, ending with “that is pretty cool.”  They replied, “Yeah, it is really cool!”  That excitement and joy for learning has lasting and meaningful effects for students.  I love this school.  I hope you are enjoying your school year so far!  Have a wonderful weekend!

Principal Z